Monday, October 6, 2008

You Tube

You Tube

-A good way to find a clip of a movie or television show that is relevant to a lesson.

  • Ex. Google the script, remove key words (ie. Vocabulary words, verbs in different tenses,) have students watch the clip and listen for key words.

  • Ex.

    • I used a clip frm the movie Office Space in a business Engish class as a listening comprehension activity. I googled the movie Office Space and found a script of the scene I wanted to use. Then, I took out key vocabulary words and verb tenses that students had learned. As the watched the video clip, they had to fill in the missing words. Then we talked about the video clip and how it related to what we had learned about job interviews.

  • If you would like to convert the video and save it onto your flashdrive, go here:

Here´s a great youtube video that I´ve used as an anticipatory set in Engish classes and with English teachers. It´s a great way to hook students at the beginning of a class.

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